RODENBURG Verlag - Your 3D and Cinema 4D Experts with Arndt von Koenigsmarck

New Keyframe Reducer released for CINEMA 4D

New Keyframe Reducer released for CINEMA 4D

We just released a new plug-in for CINEMA 4D. The Keyframe Optimizer is able to dramatically reduce the number of keyframes of your project. This is the perfect tool if you often have to deal with Motion Capture data or baked animations. There is also a 10 day trial version…


This article is 55 words long. It will take around 1 minute(s) to read.
Video2Brain workshop: Rendering

Video2Brain workshop: Rendering

For our German followers: Bei Video2Brain ist soeben ein neues Cinema 4D-Training zum Thema realistisches Rendering erschienen. Von der Modellierung, über die Beleuchtung und Materialvergabe bis zum physikalischen Rendern ist alles  abgedeckt. Viel Spaß damit! Hier geht’s zum Training


This article is 39 words long. It will take around 1 minute(s) to read.

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